Democrats also suggested raising the minimum wage from 7.25 dollars an hour, News Hub
WASHINGTON, (News Hub) The U.S. House of Representatives has approved a 19 trillion
aid package proposed by President Biden to fund businesses, local governments, and the
epidemic. Citizens in distress will be assisted. Lawmakers voted on the party line Saturday, passing
the aid package by 219 votes to 212. It is clear that the Democratic Party has a majority in
the US
House of Representatives, after President Joe Biden took office on January 20. Is the first success.
The Corona aid package will now be unveiled in the 100-member US Senate, where both parties
have 50, 50 votes. The Democratic Party has said that this aid package is very important to run the
wheel of the US economy. So far, 510,000 people have died due to the epidemic in the United States.
The Republican Party has stated that 1900 billion relief package is a huge package.
While the aid package will cover the cost of vaccines and medical supplies, most citizens will also be paid1,400 dollar per person.
The package will provide emergency financial assistance to local
and state governments. The epidemic will also help businesses that are struggling financially, such
as the restaurant and airline industries.
Unemployment benefits from the bill will continue until August, and low-income individuals, families,
and small businesses will be helped to stabilize the economy.
In the final bill, Democrats set a minimum wage of 7.25 dollars an hour. It is proposed to increase it to15 dollars per hour, but there is little hope that the proposal will pass the Senate.
According to the news hub, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Democrats would not back down
their demand for a minimum wage increase. "If this projection is not passed because of
Senate rule,
we will continue to try. We will not stop," Nancy Pelosi said.
Unless the minimum income is 15 dollars
per hour. Democrats are trying to get the bill passed in the Senate without a flicker, meaning they
won't need a Republican vote if they unite to pass the bill in the Senate.