Investigate violations of international laws of war in Gaza | News Hub




Investigate violations of international laws of war in Gaza | News Hub

   The United Nations should investigate the killing of children and women in Gaza and violations of international humanitarian law in the Israeli bombardment and the targeting of hospitals.
Investigate violations of international laws of war in Gaza | News Hub

   Geneva:(News Hub Update latest News. November 16, 2023) According to the World News Agency, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, has strongly condemned the barbaric bombardment in Gaza and expressed concern over human rights violations.

   The head of the United Nations human rights body called for an investigation into Israel's violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza.

   Volker Turk, the head of the United Nations Human Rights Organization, added that what is happening in Gaza and whoever is responsible for it should be held accountable and the international organization should investigate the serious violation of human rights.

   Even today, 50 worshipers were martyred by the Israeli bombardment of a mosque in Gaza, while more than 20 were injured. Israel accused Hamas fighters of hiding in the mosque.

   It should be noted that the number of martyrs in Israel's barbaric bombardment in Gaza since October 7 reached nearly 12,000 and more than 25,000 were injured, while 1,400 Israelis were also killed.

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