The elderly American woman wanted to be arrested on her 100th birthday and then return to her old age home to cut a cake, News Hub
Washington (News Hub) Ruth Brent of North Carolina, USA, had to face imprisonment in strange
circumstances of her 100th birthday. She was not only arrested but also handcuffed.
After the arrest,
the prisoner was taken to jail in a vehicle. Where he was photographed wearing a
prison uniform for
a criminal record.
But he did not have to spend the night in prison but was honorably discharged home, as he has committed no crime.
On her 100th birthday, while she was sitting at the breakfast table in the morning, four uniformed
police officers from the sheriff's office entered the dining room and asked an elderly woman in a
wheelchair if she was Ruth Brent. In response, a police officer showed him a piece of paper and
said that the sheriff's office had issued an arrest warrant for him for violating the law and that they
come to arrest him.
Another police officer handcuffed Brent in both hands and pushed his wheelchair out onto the porch where the prisoner's car was parked and his blue and red lights were burning.
His foot touched the police officer's knee. He said, "Madame, be careful. My knee is bad." Brent replied, "Both my knees are bad." Arriving at the sheriff's office, Brent was dressed in a prisoner's orange jacket, stood on a measuring scale, and photographed for prison and police record.
In the next phase, instead of being taken to a
prison cell, they were taken back to an old age home. Where everyone in the dining hall was waiting
for him with a 100th birthday cake, they greeted
Brent with loud applause because it was Brent who
wished he could have his birthday cake after he
was arrested and sent to prison. Want to bite the
sheriff's office added to Brent's wishes by fulfilling
his wish with a lie.