Ceasefire ends, Israeli bombardment of Gaza begins | News Hub




Ceasefire ends, Israeli bombardment of Gaza begins | News Hub

   Israel resumed attacks on Gaza after the end of the temporary ceasefire with Hamas, as a result of which 109 Palestinians, including children, were martyred.

Ceasefire ends, Israeli bombardment of Gaza begins | News Hub

   Gaza:(News Hub Update Latest News. December 01, 2023) The Palestinian Ministry of Health says that as soon as the cease-fire ended, Israeli air force planes began the brutal bombing of Gaza, in which 109 Palestinians have been martyred so far.

   According to the Palestinian media, the Israeli army is continuing to bombard the western area of Gaza. Israeli forces targeted a house in the northern Gaza Strip of Jabalia.

   According to foreign news, Israel accused Hamas of violating the ceasefire agreement and resumed attacks on the Gaza Strip.

   On November 24, Qatar and Egypt negotiated a temporary cease-fire in Gaza between Israel and Hamas. During the one-week temporary ceasefire, Hamas released more than 100 Palestinian prisoners and Israel released 240.

   So far, more than 15,000 Palestinians have been martyred in Israeli attacks. The United States has announced that it will continue to fully support the Israeli attacks on Gaza.

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