Crying over Ukraine has become deaf and dumb over Israeli bombing in Gaza




Crying over Ukraine has become deaf and dumb over Israeli bombing in Gaza

   Spanish Minister of Social Rights Ione Bellare has condemned the duplicitous behavior of world leaders in Gaza, saying that the international community has failed to take action against the Israeli attack.

Crying over Ukraine has become deaf and dumb over Israeli bombing in Gaza

   Madrid:(News Hub Update latest News. November 10, 2023) According to the World News Agency, the Spanish Minister of Social Rights called on the international community to ban Israel in an interview with Al Jazeera, saying that Israel should stop the genocide of Palestinians.

   Spain's Minister of Social Rights Ione Bellare strongly criticized the double standards of world leaders on Gaza, saying that Israelis who condemned the human rights violations in Ukraine turned a deaf ear to the bombing and killings in Gaza.

   The Spanish minister Ione Bellare added that the grieving mothers are witnessing the killing of their children by screaming over the death of thousands of children in Gaza, but many countries and leaders are still silent.

   The Spanish minister also criticized the European Union, saying that the international organizations, commissions, and unions have kept silent on the issue of Gaza. The European Commission is also showing hypocrisy.

   Spanish Minister of Social Rights Ione Bellare reiterated his demand that Spain and other countries cut diplomatic ties with Israel in protest against the Israeli attack on Gaza.

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