Pakistan, 22 people died from coronavirus in one day | News Hub




Pakistan, 22 people died from coronavirus in one day | News Hub

   Pakistan ranks 31st in the list of corona patients, 1592 new cases reported,  News Hub

Pakistan, 22 people died from coronavirus in one day | News Hub

   ISLAMABAD (News Hub update) Twenty-two more people have died of coronavirus in the last 24 hours across the country, with 1,592 new cases coming to light. According to the

   National Command and Control Center (N COC), 1592 more cases of coronavirus have been reported in Pakistan in the last 24 hours,

   with 22 more people dying from the deadly disease, 1,210 patients were cured of this disease.

   The total number of deaths from coronavirus across the country has risen to 13,227, bringing the total number of patients to 592,100. In the last 24 hours, another 34,347 tests for the corona were performed, and a total of 9,246,827 corona tests have been performed so far.

   A total of 18,415 patients are being treated for coronavirus in hospitals, homes, and quarantine centers across the country, of which 1,609 are in critical condition. 560,458 patients have so far recovered from the coronavirus. The number of coronavirus patients in Sindh has risen to 259,855 more than other provinces, bringing the total death toll to 4,426.

   In Punjab, 1,77,823 cases of coronavirus have been reported so far, while the total number of deaths here is higher than in other provinces which have risen to 5,565.

   The number of coronavirus patients in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has risen to 74,027, bringing the total death toll to 2,113. According to the news hub, In the federal capital Islamabad, 45,740 cases of coronavirus have been reported so far, while a total of 509 people have lost their lives here so far. 19,117 cases of coronavirus have been reported in Balochistan so far, where 201 people have contracted the disease.

   In Azad Jammu and Kashmir, 10,579 patients have been diagnosed with the disease so far, resulting in a total of 311 deaths. In Gilgit-Baltistan, 4,959 cases of coronavirus have been reported. So far, 102 people have died.

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