An Indian Twitter account holder shared a video claiming that dozens of young girls have been made sex slaves by a "Palestinian" militant while visiting a school in occupied Jerusalem. The quality of the video is relatively low, but if you look closely, you can see that the girls are using their phones to communicate with each other.
Despite this, the video received thousands of retweets and at least 6 million likes. An analysis of the accounts sharing the video revealed that most are based in India.
Apart from this, another video is circulating on the social media website Twitter, which falsely claims that Hamas is kidnapping a Jewish child.
Of the top 10 most shared tweets featuring the misleading video, 7 were from profiles based in India. These 7 tweets alone received over 3 million impressions on Twitter, while the video was from September and had nothing to do with the kidnapping or indeed Gaza.
Many of the accounts sharing these fake videos are spending most of their time posting anti-Muslim comments on X(Twitter). A Twitter account holder, Mr. Sinha, who shared a fake video of a boy being beheaded by Hamas, added the hashtag #IslamIsTheProblem to the same post.