More than 9,000 Palestinians were martyred in Israeli attacks | News Hub




More than 9,000 Palestinians were martyred in Israeli attacks | News Hub

Israeli air and ground attacks on Gaza have intensified and so far more than 9 thousand Palestinians have been martyred, after which Turkey, like other countries, has recalled its diplomats from Tel Aviv.

More than 9,000 Palestinians were martyred in Israeli attacks

   Ankara: (News Hub Update latest News. November 5, 2023) According to the foreign news agency "Reuters", Turkish President Tayyip ErdoÄŸan said in his brief statement that he cannot talk to the Israeli Prime Minister anymore.

   Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey is not breaking diplomatic relations with Israel, it is not possible to completely sever relations in the context of international diplomacy. 

   Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan says that he will do everything possible to bring Israel's human rights violations and war crimes to the International Criminal Court.

   On the other hand, according to the news agency, Israeli planes have bombarded hospitals and Al-Azhar University in Gaza.

   According to the international media, the Israeli army continued to target solar panels and water tanks in Gaza conducted raids in many areas including Nablus and Jenin, and arrested many Palestinians.

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