Where did Hamas get the weapons that made the Israeli army do the triple dance? In the American report, the Hamas leader himself made this clear.
Gaza: ( News Hub Update latest News. October 12, 2023 ) According to an American broadcaster CNN, the surprising thing is how Hamas avoids Israeli, Saudi, and Egyptian intelligence and how thousands of rockets reach them and then fire them.
The United States has also been accusing Iran of an abundance of lethal weapons with Hamas, saying that Iran supplies weapons to Hamas through small boats by sea.
On the other hand, the World Factbook of the American intelligence agency CIA claims that Hamas obtains its weapons through local construction or smuggling.
But the question is how Hamas manages to set fire to the intelligence networks of so many countries.
In exploring these questions, a senior Hamas commander based in Lebanon told a completely different story, the commander said that we have separate factories to produce each type of weapon.
Ali Baraka, head of Hamas' national relations abroad, said that we have factories for making mortars and their shells, Kalashnikovs and their bullets, and we are making these bullets in Gaza with Russia's permission.
We have factories to manufacture rockets with a range of 10 km, 80 km, 160 km, and 250 km. There are skilled people in these factories who have made us self-sufficient in armaments.
Ahmed Fawad of the Washington Institute said that the uranium, wiring, and debris from buildings destroyed by Israeli bombing in Gaza are also used in the manufacture of weapons for Hamas.
Similarly, Israeli rockets that cannot explode in Gaza are no less than a blessing for Hamas. This war material is then used against Israel.
The most remarkable thing about the Al-Aqsa attack by Hamas on Israel is that the world's intelligence agencies were left in a tizzy and a handful of Hamas fighters left Israel in the dust.